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Total Records: $_recordCount$ Matched: $_searchCount$ of $_recordCount$
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Order  Category Name Category Type Action
UP  DN   $name$ $type$ modify erase
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Are you sure you want to erase the following records(s)?

Warning! All category articles will be erased as well!

 Category  Articles
 $breadcrumb$  $articleCount$
 Total articles to be erased:   $articleCountTotal$*

*Approximate total: Articles in more than one category may be counted multiple times.
Another user has updated this record while you were modifying it.

Updated By:  
Updated On:  $newLastUpdatedTime$
Current Time:  $_currentTime$

You can view the updated record in a new window by clicking here.

You can discard your changes and accept the changes made by the other user instead.
You can save your changes and overwrite any changes the other user may have made.
Or, you can go back to the editor and make additional modifications before saving.